Our supporters make all the difference.
YIVO gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations, corporations, and government agencies for their support in 2023. In addition, we extend our gratitude to all YIVO members, each of whom is critical to our success.


Ruth and David Levine
Elliot A. Rosen z"l
Seedlings Foundation


Atran Foundation, Inc.
Institute of Museum and Library Services/Save America's Treasures
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Historical Publications and Records Commission
Elisa New and Lawrence Summers
NRW Entertainment Properties, LLC
Irene Pletka
Lester Yassky and Family


Anonymous (2)
Chava Lapin z"l
Anne E. Leibowitz Fund
The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs


The Derfner Foundation
Linda Witham Finkin and Eugene F. Finkin
Meryl Frank and Steven Gabel
Amy and Gary Gelman
Gayle and Paul Gross Foundation
Hittman Family Foundation
Alys Kremer and Arthur Grossman
Susanne and Jacob J. Morowitz
New York State Council On The Arts
Kate Rothko Prizel and Ilya Prizel
Susan and Warren Stern
Deborah and James z"l Veach


Nan C. Bases
Miriam Cohen
Ruth Hochberger and Martin Flumenbaum
Ilya Gaysinskiy
Elisabeth and Max Gitter
Harri Hoffmann Family Foundation
The Deborah K. Holmes Family Foundation
The Marcia Israel Foundation, Inc.
Gerald Kramer z"l
The Alice Lawrence Foundation, Inc.
Barry Liebowitz, M.D.
Louis Osofsky z"l
The Slomo and Cindy Silvian Foundation, Inc.
Myra and Harry Wagner
The Wagner Family Foundation
Herbert Zimiles z"l


Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Cooper-Siegel Family Foundation
The Gelb Family Foundation
Barbara and Steven Goldstein
Charles Grunfeld Foundation, Inc.
Estelle Guzik
The Heisman Memorial Trophy
Roger and Susan Hertog
Feygele Jacobs and Michael Cholden-Brown
The Naomi Prawer Kadar Foundation
Harry and Sadie Lasky Foundation
Betty and Leo Melamed
Edward D. and Anna Mitchell Family Foundation
The Harold Reich Goldmann Charitable Trust
Fred Rosner z"l
Manuel Schiffres
Renata and Peter Singer
Frances Weinstein
Judith E. Weisfuse and Michael B. Wax
Barbara and Steve Wolf
Dan Wyman


Anonymous (6)
Terri and Bruce Alpert
Ira & Mary Lou Alpert Foundation, Inc.
Estelle Apelberg
Jordy Bell
Judy and Abraham Bernanke
Sheldon Botoshansky
Frances and Jonathan Brent
Miriam and Alan Brody
Bonnie Burt and Mark Liss
Sara Casey
Ilene Chester and Frank L. Tobin
The Abby and David Cohen Family Foundation
Melissa S. Cohen
Steven J. Cohen
David Hordoker Women's Organization
Alexander Domanskis
Ms. Sonia Dorfman and Mr. Philip Burton
Irwin Epstein
Lisa L. Fagan and Brian Fagan
Feuerring Foundation
Sharon Flank
Stephen Freed and Jill Mortensen
Irma Friedman and David Tendler
Doris Fromberg
Ed Geffner and Suzanne Spinrad
Jill Gellerman and Avi Pandey
Arline Geronimus
GFF Foundation
The Stanley & Ethel Glen Family Foundation
Monica and Brian Gocial
Steven A. Gold Charitable Educational Institutions Trust
Sandra Goldberg
The William P. Goldman and Brothers Foundation, Inc.
Randi Goldstein
Yvette Gralla
Rita and Leo Greenland Family Foundation
Dina Gutkowicz-Krusin and Bruce Draine
Martha and Paul Harris
Muriel and Samuel M. Harris
Rochelle and David Hirsch
Donald Inman
Stephen Kamzan
Kaye Spiegler PLLC
Ezra Jack Keats Foundation, Inc.
Robert M. Kern
Steven L. Kessler
E. Leon Kier
Ellen Tobey Klass
Ricardo Kleinbaum
The Kranzdorf Family Foundation
The Family of Frances and Herbert Krasnow
Lee and Luis Lainer
The Lapin Family
Leona Laskin
Marta Jo Lawrence
The Samuel J. & Ethel LeFrak Charitable Trust
Judith Lewis
Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania
Vytas Maciunas
Claire and David Maklan
Jean and Mark Mandell
Jean Mandell
Jody and Jack R. Manischewitz
Barbara Brooke Manning Charitable Fund
Marks and Powell Family Fund
Judith Marohn and Robert A. Fajardo
Barbara and Leonard Mazur
Bella Meyer
Ethel Meyer
Barbara Mitchell
Audrey and Mark Mlotek
Nelsons Family Foundation
Deborah Ugoretz and Samuel Norich
Ellen J. Odoner and Edward Kerson
Harold Z. Ollin
Sharon Packer
Donna and Elliott Palevsky
Doris and Martin Payson
Alla Pinsky
Vita and Raymond Pliskow
Annabelle Robbins
Rosaly Roffman
Michael Ross z"l
The Robert Russell Memorial Foundation
David Saltz
Minia and Norman Sas
Renee and Albert Sattin
Virginia Papaioannou and Simon M. Schama
The Schnitzer Family Foundation
Sally and Ismar Schorsch
Rhoda Schulzinger
Rhea Schwartz and Paul Martin Wolff Foundation
Suzanne Wolbers and Julius Spiegel
Norton Spiel
Philip Strongin
Kaye Taneyhill and George Matiasz
Lottie Tartell
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation
Paul H. Vishny z"l
Hannah Waldman
Benjamin Weedon
Rivka and Seth Weisberg
Lynn Bartner and Elisha Wiesel
Judith and Leonard M. Wilson
Toni Yaffe

Contributions received January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023

We regret any omissions or errors and would appreciate your contacting with corrections. Thank you for your understanding.