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2014 Jan Karski & Pola Nirenska Prize


The Jury of the Jan Karski and Pola Nirenska Award has the pleasure to announce that Mr. Piotr Matywiecki of Warsaw, Poland was named the recipient of the Karski Award for the year 2014. This annual award was endowed by Prof. Jan Karski in 1992 for an author of published ...

How to Live a Paper Life: Yiddish Letter Manuals from Russia and America


Say you're a woman living in a shtetl in 1900: what do you say in a letter to your husband in America if you think he's cheating on you? What about to your son to express your disapproval of how he's been letting his schoolwork slide in favor of hanging out with a bad crowd? Or how about to a friend to express your shock over the fact that you've heard he has a Christmas tree in his Jewish home?

These are sort of letters that Alice Nakhimovsky and Roberta Newman translated for their book Dear Mendl, Dear Reyzl: Yiddish Letter Manuals from Russia and America (Indiana University Press, 2014) and which they will present at YIVO on June 17, 2014 at 7:00pm. If you were a Jew in Russia or Poland or a new Jewish immigrant to America in the late nineteenth to early twentieth century and facing these and other dilemmas, you might find yourself turning for help to a brivnshteler, a Yiddish letter manual.

Letters to Afar Opens at the Museum of the City of New York on October 22, 2014


The YIVO Institute and the Museum of the City of New York
present a Video Art Exhibition, LETTERS TO AFAR,
by Award-Winning Artists Péter Forgács and The Klezmatics

October 22, 2014 - March 22, 2015

The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and the Museum of the City of New York proudly announce the U.S. premiere of Letters to Afar, a groundbreaking video art exhibition by award-winning artists Péter Forgács and The Klezmatics. The exhibition will be on view at the Museum of the City of New York from October 22, 2014 through March 22, 2015.

YIVO’s Jacob Kronhill Visiting Scholar to Deliver Keynote at International Conference in Budapest


Steven J. Zipperstein, Koshland Professor in Jewish Culture and History at Stanford University and currently Jacob Kronhill Visiting Scholar at YIVO, will deliver a keynote address on June 16 in Budapest at the Central European University's international conference "Narratives of Violence." Professor Zipperstein's lecture, drawn from research he has conducted ...

One Hundred Years of Yiddish Literature: From Mendele's Little Man to Date (1965)


In this broadcast from January 24, 1965, we hear the paper on Yiddish literature that Dr. Mikhl (Michael) Astour delivered not long before at YIVO’ annual conference: "One Hundred Years of Yiddish Literature: From Mendele's Little Man to Date." As the report on the conference in Yedies noted: Professor Michael Astour surveyed ...

From the Pages of Yedies



The August-October 1937 issue of Yedies reports on a visit by the artist Emmanuel Mane-Katz. He had stopped off on his way back to Paris from a trip to the Baltic countries and to view an exhibition of his work in Vilna. The article reports on his donation of five of his paintings to YIVO’s art museum and his promise to collect more artworks from Jewish artists in Paris for YIVO.

Letters to Afar Opens at the Museum of the City of New York on October 22, 2014


The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and the Museum of the City of New York announce the U.S. premiere of Letters to Afar, a groundbreaking video art exhibition by award-winning artists Péter Forgács and The Klezmatics. The exhibition will be on view at the Museum of the City of New York from October 22, 2014 through March 22, 2015.

YIVO Launches the “YIVO Digital Archive on Jewish Life in Poland”


(NEW YORK, June 1, 2013)– The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is delighted to announce the launch of the YIVO Digital Archive on Jewish Life in Poland, at The website provides access to thousands of digitized documents, manuscripts, photographs, artworks, films, and audio recordings relating to the rich and ...

How One Town Overcame Its Past: Interview with Magda Teter


The bishop of Sandomierz and the chief rabbi of Poland at a prayer service at the Jewish cemetery. (Courtesy Magda Teter) On Thursday, June 12, at 7:00 pm, Professor Magda Teter will deliver the Podbrodzer Lecture at YIVO. In a small Polish town, over 300 years ago, Jews were accused of killing a Christian ...

YIVO’s 40th Anniversary/25th Anniversary of Relocation to New York (1965)


Today’s episode was original heard on January 17, 1965. On the 40th anniversary of the founding of YIVO and the 25th anniversary of its relocation to New York, host Sheftl Zak talks about the annual YIVO conference which had begun the night before. As the February 1965 edition of Yedies ...