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From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN In April 1946, Yedies reported on the publication of Isaac Rivkind’s Der kamf kegn azartshpiln bay Yidn (The fight against gambling in Jewish literature). The Yiddish version of the article is more detailed, providing a list of topics covered by the book: Old Yiddish gambling songs Gambling and Yiddish folksongs Modern ...

The Tragedy of a Generation: Interview with Joshua Karlip


The Tragedy of a Generation: The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism in Eastern Europe (Harvard University Press, 2013) traces the origins of two influential but overlooked strains of Jewish thought, Diaspora Nationalism and Yiddishism. Its leading exemplars dreamed of an autonomous Jewish nation in Europe, but were forced to ...

A Historian Discusses the Papers of Lucien Wolf and David Mowshowitch (1964)


On November 29, 1964, host Sheftl Zak interviewed YIVO historian Zosa Szajkowski about the Papers of Lucien Wolf (1857-1930) and David Mowshowitch (1887-1957) (YIVO Archives RG 348). Wolf was an English Jew who served as a delegate to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and was involved in the drafting ...

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN Elsewhere in this March 7, 2014 edition Yedies, historian Joshua Karlip discusses the Diaspora Nationalist movement in Eastern Europe and notes that the father of the movement and its ideology was the scholar Simon Dubnow. There are few more towering figures in the history of East European Jewry than ...

2014-2015 Max Weinreich Center Research Fellows


List of recipients of YIVO’s 2014-2015 faculty and graduate student fellowships.

“The Jews Have Always Been a Singing People”: YIVO Celebrates Ruth Rubin


by LEAH FALK The best parts of the Yiddish past are fragile: a yellowing installment of a serialized novel in Der tog, a barely legible handwritten letter, a fragment of song passed down from mother to daughter. Ruth Rubin, the celebrated scholar, singer, and collector of Yiddish folk music, knew how ...

YIVO in the News/Staff Notes – February 2014


A number of YIVO public programs received press coverage. YIVO’s February 14th roundtable discussion on Lithuanian-Jewish relations, “Unresolved History: Jews and Lithuanians After the Holocaust,” is reported on by Ralph Seliger in the 3-part article “Israel & Lithuania: Parallel Dueling 'Narratives',” on the Partners for Progressive Israel Blog. Part III of the article can be read here.

Watch video of the roundtable.

An article on Steven Zipperstein’s January 6 lecture at YIVO, “Rethinking Kishinev: How a Riot Changed 20th Century Jewish History,” appears on the blog Mondoweiss, where it sparked an extensive and lively exchange of comments by readers.

The Forverts reported on the February 6 Yiddish lecture by Michael Steinlauf and program moderated by Eddy Portnoy , “Y.L. Peretz in a Time of Revolution.”

Di Nyu yorkerin: Poetry and Purim Shpil – Yiddish Cultural Events in March


by SARAH PONICHTERA As the heavy monotony of all the snow begins to be broken with longer and longer stretches of sun and warmth, it’s time to emerge from the cocoon, and there are plenty of options to choose from. March starts out with Ruth Wisse’s lecture on Jacob Glatstein, “A Yiddish ...

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN In 1937, Yedies reported on its survey of pinkasim (Jewish communal registers), whose mission was the gathering of information about pinkasim in Jewish communities all over Poland. Over one hundred communities had responded to YIVO’s call for participation in the survey, yielding information on over 300 pinkasim, including several ...

YIVO Announces Publication of the Milstein Conference Proceedings


“New York and the American Jewish Communal Experience” (NEW YORK, February 28, 2014) – The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is pleased to announce the publication of the Milstein Conference Proceedings, “New York and the American Jewish Communal Experience,” published with the generous support of the Howard and Abby Milstein Foundation ...