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Becoming Soviet Jews: Interview with Elissa Bemporad


Author Elissa Bemporad talks about her book.

Yiddish with Footnotes: Vilna 1913


One hundred years ago there appeared a revolutionary, scholarly journal – complete with footnotes, bibliographies, and a page of errata at the end.

Di Nyu yorkerin: Yiddish New York Begins 2014


by SARAH PONICHTERA As is appropriate for this time of year, we’ll begin with a look back and end with a gaze ahead. The annual conference of the Association for Jewish Studies met in Boston in mid-December, featuring several panels on Yiddish topics, including Yiddish in the twentieth century, and new ...

The YIVO Library in 1964: Interview with Dina Abramowicz


In this broadcast from October 11, 1964, head librarian Dina Abramowicz talks about some of the highlights in the collections of the YIVO Library. The program also includes a discussion about a lunch at YIVO given in honor of a conference at the Leo Baeck Institute. From 1963-1976, YIVO had its ...

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN In March 1977, Yedies included this short article about books in the YIVO Library by one very prolific author, Jonah Kreppel, reportedly the writer of 100 novels, as well as other works. His output included detective novels, no known examples of which were extant at the time the ...

Two Worlds/Tsvey Veltn: Interview with Benjy Fox-Rosen


On January 15, 2014, at 7 pm, Yiddish musicianBenjy Fox-Rosen will release Two Worlds/ Tsvey Veltn (Golden Horn Records),a new song cycle based on the poetry of master Yiddish and Polish writer Mordechai Gebirtig (1877-1942) at a concert at  YIVO, co-presented with the American Society for Jewish Music and the Center for Traditional Music and Dance.

He was recently interviewed by Leah Falk.

Attend the event.

ייִדיש־נײַעס פֿון דער אַקאַדעמישער וועלט - 2טער טיילYiddish News from the Academic World - Part 2


פֿון איציק גאָטעסמאַן

At the Association of Jewish Studies meeting in Boston, December 2013, Yiddish was part of the research of other disciplines beside literature. Professors and students from the fields of anthropology, linguistics and history also spoke on the subject. Itzik Gottesman writes on the newest research in his second of a two part series.

אויף דער קאָנפֿערענץ פֿון דער „אַסאָציאַציע פֿון ייִדישע שטודיעס" אין באָסטאָן, דעצעמבער 2013, האָבן די פּראָפֿעסאָרן און גראַדויִר־סטודענטן פֿון פֿאַרשיידענע אַקאַדעמישע פֿעלדער, נישט בלויז פֿון ליטעראַטור־קריטיק, אַרויסגעוויזן אַן אינטערעס צו ייִדיש און צו דער ייִדישער קולטור-געשיכטע.

אויף איין סעסיע פֿון פּויליש־ייִדישע היסטאָריקער האָט יהושע קאַרליפּ (ישיבֿה־אוניווערסיטעט) גערעדט וועגן דער שטרעבונג פֿון י. ל. פּרץ צונויפֿצוברענגען די ייִדישע און פּוילישע נאַציאָנאַליסטן אינעם ערשטן יאָרצענדלינג פֿונעם 20סטן יאָרהונדערט. דאָס איז געווען אַ שווערע עובֿדה, ווײַל אַ סך פּוילישע אינטעלעקטואַלן האָבן נישט געהאַט קיין צוטרוי צום ייִדישן נאַציאָנאַליזם, האָט פּרץ אָנגעשריבן אַ סעריע עסייען אויף דער טעמע.

From the Pages of Yedies: Yiddish in the Sierras


This short item ran in Yedies in June 1964.



Outside media articles from 2014 about YIVO and YIVO-related topics.

New Wave Yiddish Music Star Releases Latest CD at YIVO


Rising Yiddish musician Benjy Fox-Rosen releases Two Worlds/Tsvey Veltn (Golden Horn Records), a stunning new song cycle based on the poetry of master Yiddish and Polish writer Mordechai Gebirtig (1877-1942) at a ticketed concert on January 15, 2014, at 7pm at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research (15 West 16th ...