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Sound Bites from 1964: Moses Kligsberg and Maida Feingold


In this episode of YIVO’s radio program, Moses (Moyshe) Kligsberg talks about YIVO’s Conference on Jewish Participation in Movements Devoted to the Cause of Social Progress, which took place in Carnegie Hall on September 10-13, 1964. Maida Feingold sings “Zamd un Shtern” (Sand and Stars) and “Brukh Shulman,” two songs ...

YIVO in the News/YIVO Staff Notes – December 2013


On December 21, former YIVO assistant sound archivist Jenny Romaine was honored by the Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish Fund at the second annual memorial concert in honor of the late Adrienne Cooper, a former assistant director at YIVO. The writer and performer Ezra Berkley Nepon pays homage to Jenny ...

From the Pages of Yedies


In March 1951, Yedies gave this blow-by-blow account of how YIVO’s library and archives fell into the hands of the Nazis and were then rescued, in part, with the help of the U.S. Army, the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), and the Library of Congress. The books and documents were brought ...

Sephardic Balkans


YIVO’s library and archives holds important books and artifacts related to Sephardic Jewish heritage.

YIVO Receives Grants from the Nathan Ruderman Foundation and The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany


NEW YORK, NY – The YIVO Institute is pleased to announce that it has received two generous grants for work on the Sutzkever-Kaczerginski Collection, which contains some of the rarest documents held in the YIVO archives. The Collection is named in honor of the two distinguished poets who headed the ...

Remembering Mikhl Herzog


Mikhl Herzog, 1927-2013 On Sunday, January 5, 2014, at 1:00 pm, YIVO will celebrate the life, work, and contributions to Yiddish culture of Mikhl Herzog, in a special memorial program. Mikhl Herzog (1927-2013) was the founding Dean of the Max Weinreich Center for Advanced Jewish Studies at YIVO, and the editor-in-chief of ...

ייִדיש־נײַעס פֿון דער אַקאַדעמישער וועלטYiddish News from the Academic World


פֿון איציק גאָטעסמאַן

The field of Yiddish studies was well represented at the annual Association for Jewish Studies conference in Boston, Dec. 15 - 17, 2013. Yiddish literature in particular has attracted many scholars around the world. (First of a two-part report)

יעדעס יאָר טרעפֿט זיך די „אַסאָציאַציע פֿון ייִדישע שטודיעס" (Association for Jewish Studies) אין מיטן דעצעמבער, און געוויינטלעך, קומט מען זיך צונויף אין באָסטאָן. הונדערטער פּראָפֿעסאָרן און סטודענטן האַלטן רעפֿעראַטן אויף די טעמעס פֿון זייער פֿאָרשונג, און די צאָל מענטשן, וועלכע פֿאַרנעמען זיך מיט פֿאָרשונגען וועגן ייִדיש איז אַ ממשותדיקע, בפֿרט וועגן דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור.

אין איין סעסיע מכּוח די ביאָגראַפֿיעס פֿון ייִדישע שרײַבערס, האָבן דרײַ לעקטאָרן באַהאַנדלט זייערע פֿאָרשונגען פֿון דרײַ מחברים — איציק מאַנגער, יעקבֿ אַבראַמאָוויטש (מענדעלע מוכר־ספֿרים) און שלום ראַבינאָוויטש (שלום־עליכם). פּראָפֿ׳ מאַריאָן אַפּטרוט האָט געפֿירט דעם פֿאָרזיץ.

Video Oral Histories Highlight YIVO History and Yiddish Culture


Two of the over 300 Wexler Oral History videos recorded at the Yiddish Book Center over the past few years document the lives of people we have recently commemorated in Yedies. Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman (1920-2013) Chana Mlotek (1922-2013) Two interviews also explore the history of YIVO: Professor Cecile Kuznitz, author of a forthcoming book on ...

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN Six years into World War II, in September 1944, Yedies published excerpts from letters YIVO had recently received from young Jewish soldiers serving in Allied forces. The letters spoke about the destruction of Jewish communities in Europe, encountered as the American, British, and Russian armies penetrated further into ...

Rethinking Kishinev: How a Riot Changed 20th-Century Jewish History


Kishinev’s 1903 pogrom was the first event in Russian Jewish life to receive international attention. The riot, leaving 49 dead in an obscure border town, dominated the headlines of the western press for weeks, intruded on US-Russian relations, and had an impact on an astonishing array of institutions, such as ...