Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman: August 7, 1920 - November 28, 2013

Dec 6, 2013

YIVO mourns the loss of Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman, who died last week at the age of 93. Beyle, one of the greatest contemporary writers of Yiddish song and poetry was an inspiration to younger generations interested in Yiddish culture. Her packed funeral on December 1 on the Upper West Side was as much a celebration of her unique talents as it was a sad farewell. Leading performers of Jewish music, including Theodore Bikel, rose to sing Beyle’s songs, which have become an important part of the repertoire of Yiddish music around the world.

Shaechter-Gottesman’s contribution to American culture was recognized in 2005 with a National Heritage Award from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Several thoughtful obituaries have appeared in the past week, some of which also have links to performances of Beyle’s music:

A Poet’s Life Spanning Shtetl and Subway” (Forward)

The Bard of Czernovitz and the Bronx

Vos Vet Blaybn – Reflections on Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman

Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman koved ir ondenk

Yedies sends heartfelt condolences to her son, Itzik Gottesman, our Yiddish editor, and his family.