Digital Resource Profile: Guide to the YIVO Archives

Aug 2, 2013

In January 2013, YIVO launched the Guide to the YIVO Archives at The web site, created with funding from the Kronhill Pletka Foundation, presents descriptions of over 1,800 YIVO Archives collections in a searchable, online format.

Collections are indexed by subject term and country and there are detailed finding aids to selected collections. New finding aids are uploaded as they are created and encoded for the internet. will also eventually serve as a portal to digitized photographs, documents, films, sound recordings, and other material.

Thanks to a second grant from the Kronhill Pletka Foundation, the YIVO Archives is currently carrying out Phase II of the online Guide to the YIVO Archives project, adding new collections and databases to the website. Phase II is scheduled for completion at the end of 2013.

Online Guide to the YIVO Archives - Homepage

Online Guide to the YIVO Archives - Browse Collections

A full list of YIVO’s online digital resources can be found here.