From the Pages of Yedies

Aug 2, 2013

This item about YIVO's acquisition of the papers of the noted Yiddish playwright H. Leivick appeared in the July 1960 issue of Yedies: News from YIVO.


See description of the Papers of H. Leivick in the Guide to the YIVO Archives.

Jewish writers on the occasion of a visit by Yiddish writer H. Leivick (front row, center), Moscow, 1925. Among those in the portrait are Izi Kharik and Zelik Akselrod (back row, first and third from left), Yehezkl Dobrushin, Borekh Glazman (also visiting from New York), Shmuel-Nisn Godiner, and Arn Kushnirov (front row, first, second, fourth, and fifth from left). Photo by B. Kapustinskii. (YIVO)
Jewish writers on the occasion of a visit by Yiddish writer H. Leivick (front row, center), Moscow, 1925. Among those in the portrait
are Izi Kharik and Zelik Akselrod (back row, first and third from left), Yehezkl Dobrushin, Borekh Glazman (also visiting from New
York), Shmuel-Nisn Godiner, and Arn Kushnirov (front row, first, second, fourth, and fifth from left). Photo by B. Kapustinskii. (YIVO)