New Issue of Yidishe shprakh: A Journal Devoted to the Yiddish Language Now Available

Jul 12, 2013

Yidishe Shprakh Vol XXXIX (Eng)Yidishe Shprakh Vol XXXIX (Yid)

A new issue of Yidishe shprakh, the popular linguistics journal published by YIVO since 1941, is now available for the first time in over two decades. Many years in the making, it includes articles by leading scholars in the fields of Yiddish linguistics and Yiddish studies, including Keith Weiser, Simon Neuberg, and Beatrice Lang Caplan, as well as the late Mordkhe Schaechter, former editor of the journal. Article topics range from the lexical and stylistic evolution of Yiddish linguists (Schaechter) to Yiddish pronunciation (Weiser) and punctuation (Caplan), and examples of the specific dialect spoken in Częstochowa (Chonen Kiel).

Paul Glasser, Acting Editor and Dean of the Max Weinreich Center, notes, “The revival of Yidishe shprakh marks a renewed commitment by YIVO to research into all aspects of East European Jewish civilization, including language, literature, and other forms of culture. Yidishe shprakh is a specialized journal, in keeping with the mission that YIVO has always had to produce and promote serious scholarship. But now, 21st-century YIVO is exploring new ways, including the Internet and social media, of bringing this scholarship to not only the academic community, but also to the general public. It’s possible that in the future, we will be publishing our journals online.”

Copies of Yidishe shprakh may be purchased for $20.00 + $5.00 postage and handling by contacting