Newly Published Books Based on Research at YIVO

Jun 20, 2014

Every month, the YIVO Library receives complimentary copies of books whose content has been drawn in part from research done by the authors in the YIVO Archives and Library. Below is a partial list of books recently received.

Avrutin, Eugene M. and Murav, Harriet, eds. Jews in the East European Borderlands: Essays in Honor of John D. Klier. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2012.

Bailly, Daniel. La Danse Traditionnelle Juive Ashkénaze.  Revue d’ouvrages et d’articles commentés proposée par Danielle Bailly avec la collaboration de Michel Borzykovski. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2014.

Bar-Levav, Avriel; Margolin, Ron; Feiner, Shmuel. Secularization in Jewish Culture. Volume 1. Raanana: the Open University of Israel, 2013.

Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europaischer Juden durch das nationalsozialistsche Deutschland 1933-1945. Band. 9. Polen: Generalgouvernement August 1941-1945. Bearbeitet von Klaus-Peter Friedrich. Oldenbourg: verlag Munchen, 2014.

Dinezon, Jacob. Memories and Scenes: Shtetl, Childhood, Writers. Jewish Stories by Jacob Dinezon. Translated from the Yiddish by Tina Lunson. Raleigh, NC: Jewish Storyteller Press, 2014.

Dynner, Glenn. Yankel’s Tavern: Jews, Liqour, & Life in the Kingdom of Poland. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

East European Jewish Affairs. Volume 43, number 3, December 2013. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.

Kuznitz, Cecile Esther. YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture: Scholarship for the Yiddish Nation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Mohrer, Fruma and Goldwasser, Ettie, eds. New York and the American Jewish Communal Experience. Based on the Milstein Conference on New York and the American Jewish Experience. New York: YIVO, 2013.

Nakhimovsky, Alice, and Newman, Roberta.  Dear Mendl, Dear Reyzl: Yiddish Letter Manuals from Russia and America. Bloomington; Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2014.

Petrovsky-Shtern, Yohanan. The Golden Age Shtetl: A New History of Jewish Life in Eastern Europe. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014.

Rosenholz, Deborah, nee Block. Strangers at the Gate. A True Story of Jewish Immigrants. Albany, NY; London, England, 2013.

Taking Note: Scholars and Scholarship at The Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. University of Pennsylvania, 1993-2014. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 2014.

Tobias, Jim G. Neue Heimat Down Under: Die Migration jüdischer Displaced Persons nach Ausralien. Nürnberg: Antogo Verlag, 2014.

Wilhelm, Mark. “Sie sind unter uns: Instrumentenraub in der NS-Zeit.”In: Geraubte Musik: Verboten, beschlagnahmt, zerstört. Die dunklen Kapitel der Musicgeschichte. Das Magazin der Berliner Philarmoniker. No. 128. Ausgabe Nr. 1, 2014.  .

Yidishe lider funem repertuar fun Mikhal Epelboym: far shtim un klavir. Book and CD. St. Petersburg: Jewish Community Center of St. Petersburg, 2014.