The Klezmatics Receive Lifetime Achievement Award at YIVO Gala

Nov 22, 2013
Klezmatics Concert
Concert by the Klezmatics at YIVO's 88th gala benefit.

"The Klezmatics' deep relationship with YIVO goes all the way back to 1987, when I first started working here. The oytsers (treasures) in YIVO's collections continue to be gems of creative inspiration to us as we approach our 28th year as a band."
— Lorin Sklamberg
Sound Archivist, The Max and Frieda Weinstein Archive of YIVO Sound Recordings; Lead Vocalist of The Klezmatics

On November 19, 2013, a sold-out crowd gathered for YIVO’s 88th Annual Benefit. The evening included a concert by the Klezmatics and the world premiere of their work-in-progress based on the Letters to Afar installation by Péter Forgács and the Klezmatics. (This installation, featuring YIVO’s unique collection of Polish home movies from the 1930s, is commissioned by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, and opened at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw in May 2013.)

Speakers included YIVO Executive Director Jonathan Brent, who presented the Klezmatics with the YIVO Lifetime Achievement Award, YIVO board member Irene Pletka, and Péter Forgács.

View an album of photos from the event on Facebook.

Read an article about the event in The Arty Semite.

Video installation
Video installation by Péter Forgács at YIVO’s gala.