YIVO in the News - September 2013

Oct 1, 2013

YIVO Executive Director Jonathan Brent and Max Weinreich Center Academic Advisor Eddy Portnoy were featured on the September 13 "Please Explain" segment of The Leonard Lopate Show (WNYC/NPR), discussing the history, roots and culture of Yiddish.

Berlin's Svetlana Kundish Wows at Yiddish Songfest
The Forward’s Shmooze reviewed the September 9th program, “Festival of Yiddish Song,” a collaboration of the Center for Traditional Music and Dance, The Center for Jewish History, The Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center and YIVO. Read more... 

Polish scholar Barbara Engelking was awarded YIVO’s annual Jan Karski Award at the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw on September 12. Read more... 

“When It Comes to Education Reform, Which Political Party Is the Stupid Party?”
An article in the Huffington Post on September 5 quotes the entry on “Chelm” in The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe. Read more...