YIVO in the News/YIVO Staff Notes – November 2013

Dec 6, 2013

On November 15, YIVO Executive Director Jonathan Brent appeared on the  Chicago podcast, The Milt Rosenberg Show, where he spoke about Yiddish and the renewal of Ashkenazic civilization. On December 2, Jonathan appeared on the Chicago public radio show, Worldview, to discuss his participation in the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania.

This past month, excerpts from an interview with Jonathan Brent appeared in the Forward’s online video, Philip Roth: Angst of a Retiring Novelist.

Jonathan and YIVO Head Librarian Lyudmila Sholokhova have published a translation of the first part of the Vladimir Mayakovsky poem “A Cloud in Trousers” in Bard College’s  Conjunctions

Director of Education Jennifer Young delivered a paper entitled "'A Weapon for Survival'-The Creation of Secular Jewish Ritual in the Postwar U.S." at the conference, Researching New York: Perspectives on Empire State History at the University at Albany, SUNY on November 15.

Director of Digitization Roberta Newman read from her short story, winner of the third prize in the Moment Magazine-Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest at an awards ceremony at the Jewish Museum on November 14.

Max Weinreich Center Program Assistant Leah Falk has had several book reviews published in Ha’aretz and Jewniverse. She is the editor of the blog, "MFA Day Job."

YIVO public programs have been reported on in the press. These include the November 4 panel, “Reflecting on the Beilis Trial” and YIVO’s November 19th gala, at which the Klezmatics were awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Dozens of obituaries for YIVO Sound Archivist Chana Mlotek, z’l, who died on November 4 at age 91, have appeared in newspapers and on web sites around the world, including, The Huffington Post, ABC News, and The Jewish Week.

An extensive look at the illustrations in the YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe appears in the latest issue of the journal Images