YIVO Video and Audio Archive

May 23, 2014

Visit yivo.org/Video-Audio-Archive to view or listen to many of YIVO’s programs from 2005 to the present. Some of our most recent additions include:

Sunday, April 6, 2014: Passing the Torch: Jewish Music Archives and the Future of Yiddish Song, a symposium that brought together archivists, scholars and performers to discuss the history and creation of Yiddish folk music archives, and the future of the study and performance of Yiddish song today. The event was dedicated to the memory of Chana Mlotek, YIVO’s Music Archivist from 1978 until her recent passing at age 91 in 2013. Watch the video.

Sunday, May 4, 2014: Open Secret: The Jewish Sound in Soviet Music. Through a unique pairing of music and words, the Spring 2014 concert in the Sidney Krum Young Artists Concert Series explored how major Soviet composers managed to weave Jewish themes into some of the most stirring music of postwar Soviet society. Watch the video.

Thursday, May 15, 2014: YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture: Scholarship for the Yiddish Nation, a roundtable celebrating the launch of Cecile Kuznitz's book of the same name (Cambridge University Press, 2014). This event explored the history of YIVO, its role in Jewish nationalism, and the relationship between Jewish cultural and political work in interwar Eastern Europe. Watch the video.