The YIVO Vilna Project – An Update

Oct 6, 2014
Vilna Project Documents
Newly discovered documents in the Lithuanian
Central State Archive from YIVO’s prewar
collection, now in the process of being sorted
andconserved. Their damaged appearance is
testament to the circumstances in which they
were rescued and hidden. Photo by Roberta

The press conference held by YIVO Executive Director Jonathan Brent and Director of Development Suzanne Leon in Vilnius, Lithuania in late September to announce the launch of YIVO’s international, multi-year initiative, the YIVO Vilna Project, has received wide attention.

The most up-to-date coverage can be found in Split Up by Holocaust, Top Collection of Yiddish Works Will Reunite Digitally” by Joseph Berger in the New York Times, which also breaks the news of a new pledge by the Lithuanian government to provide substantial funding for the project. 

Read the New York Times article.
Read an article about the project in The Jewish Week by Hannah Dreyfus. 
See a picture from the press conference on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.