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Newly Published Books Based on Research at YIVO


Every month, the YIVO Library receives complimentary copies of books whose content has been drawn in part from research done by the authors in the YIVO Archives and Library. Below is a partial list of books published in 2011-2013.

From the Pages of Yedies


In September 1950, YIVO announced plans for a new, focused effort to collect artifacts, documents and other materials documenting American Jewish history, specifically the history of the mass immigration of Jews from Eastern Europe in the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries and the impact that the immigrants were continuing ...

Reuniting YIVO’s Prewar Collections: Digitally


YIVO, in cooperation with the National Library of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Central State Archives (LCSA), is developing a detailed plan for the digitization of its collections in Lithuania, including newly discovered materials at the LCSA.

Alfred Moldovan: Civil Rights Hero and Judaica Collector


As we have reported earlier here, on Monday, November 4, 2013, YIVO’s longtime music archivist and Jewish cultural treasure Chana Mlotek passed away. But YIVO also lost another dear friend, Dr. Alfred Moldovan, who died that same day. Many in the Jewish world knew Dr. Moldovan as a major Judaica collector ...

YIVO's Activities in London: An Interview with Michael Zylberberg (1964)


This third episode, which originally aired on April 19, 1964, features host Sheftl Zak interviewing Michael Zylberberg, journalist and YIVO representative in London. Zylberberg, a survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto, discusses Jewish life and Yiddish in London and his work collecting documents and other historical materials. His collection, which deals extensively with Polish and Jewish anti-Nazi resistance, is in the YIVO Archives (Michael Zylberberg, Papers, RG 493).

דער באַטײַט פֿון דער הײַנטיקער סוכּה אין דרום־תּל־אָבֿיבֿ


פֿון איציק גאָטעסמאַן

Gabrielle Berlinger

In Yiddish literature the building of the sukkah was often portrayed with humor - suddenly every Jew becomes an architect! But Dr. Gabrielle A. Berlinger's research on Sukkot in contemporary southern Tel-Aviv shows how the sukkot structures in a struggling community display individual creativity and a variety of expressions of the ritual; all going on as political and social issues of the day intersect with vernacular religion.

דער ענטפֿער אויף דעם העברעיִשן קינדערליד „למה סוכּה זו?" איז מער קאָמפּליצירט ווי מען וואָלט זיך פֿאָרגעשטעלט, לויט דער פֿאָרשונג פֿון ד״ר גבריאלה בערלינגער, אַ מומחה אין פֿאָלקלאָר און פֿאָלק־אַרכיטעקטור, און אַן „אַנדרו־מעלאָן נאָך־דאָקטאָראַט־חבֿר" בײַם „באַרד־גראַדויִר־צענטער". זי האָט עטלעכע יאָר פֿאַרבראַכט אין ישׂראל און עטנאָגראַפֿיש געקוקט אויף די סוכּות אין לאַנד: ווי אַזוי מען בויט זיי, ווער בויט זיי, און וואָס פֿאַר אַ ראָלע זיי שפּילן אין דער משפּחה און קהילה.

From the Pages of Yedies


As YIVO mourns the passing of our longtime music archivist Chana Mlotek, we look back at what may be the first mention of her in Yedies: News from YIVO, in June 1948, four years after she arrived at YIVO to be secretary to YIVO’s research director Max Weinreich. This article from ...

Chana Mlotek: April 9, 1922-November 4, 2013


The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research mourns the death of its longtime music archivist, Chana Mlotek, known worldwide for her expertise on the musical traditions of Jewish Eastern Europe.

Senior Archivist Fruma Mohrer comments, “Chana had every single piece of music from the YIVO Archives at her fingertips: every arrangement, every title, from the 19th century to the present. She was a woman of vast knowledge, and yet was unfailingly unassuming and unpretentious.” The many catalogs and guides to music collections that Chana created at YIVO are used on a daily basis by composers, conductor, performers, folklorists, and musicologists.

Chana (neé Eleanor "Chana" Gordon) was born on April 9, 1922, in New York in a Yiddish-speaking family. She attended the Yiddish High School of the Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute, and was a graduate of Hunter College.

YIVO Mourns the Passing of Chana Mlotek, 1922-2013


(NEW YORK, November 4, 2013) – The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research announces with sadness the death of its longtime music archivist, Chana Mlotek, known worldwide for her expertise on the musical traditions of Jewish Eastern Europe. Senior Archivist Fruma Mohrer comments, “Chana had every single piece of music from the ...

The Klezmatics at YIVO on November 19th: 2nd installment of an interview with Lorin Sklamberg


On Tuesday, November 19, 2013, The Klezmatics will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at YIVO’s 88th Annual Benefit Dinner and will perform excerpts of a work-in-progress based on the Letters to Afar installation by Péter Forgács and The Klezmatics, (featuring YIVO’s unique collection of Polish Jewish home movies from the 1930s) at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. Péter Forgács will also be at the event.

The Klezmatics are world-renowned superstars of klezmer. Since their emergence from New York City’s East Village in 1986, they have revitalized Yiddish music for the 21st century. The band has helped to change the face of contemporary Yiddish culture, not least through their career-long research and use of materials found in the Max and Frieda Weinstein Archive of YIVO Sound Recordings. They have performed in more than 20 countries, released ten acclaimed albums and served as the subject of a feature-length documentary film, The Klezmatics: On Holy Ground.

On October 9, 2013, The Klezmatics’ lead vocalist Lorin Sklamberg, who is also YIVO’s Sound Archivist, was interviewed by Yedies Editor Roberta Newman. (This is the second of a 2-part series.)