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YIVO Archives – Recent Accessions: Letter to the Textile Yarn Agency, Brooklyn


Martin Smolin has donated a copy of a letter his father, Jacob Smolin, proprietor of the Textile Yarn Agency, in Brooklyn, received from Utah Woolen Mills in 1920. As an artifact, the letter not only attests to the large presence of Jews in the garment trade, but also to the ...

YIVO Archives – Recent Accessions: “Let My People Go”


Jean Kerman via the American Jewish Historical Society has donated several pamphlets and books published in 1943-1944 calling public attention to the Holocaust and Jewish armed resistance against the Nazis, including “Let My People Go,” by Victor Gollancz (London: Victor Gollancz, Ltd., 1943). Victor Gollancz (1893-1967) was a British Jewish publisher ...

New Issue of Yidishe shprakh: A Journal Devoted to the Yiddish Language Now Available


A new issue of Yidishe shprakh, the popular linguistics journal published by YIVO since 1941, is now available for the first time in over two decades. Many years in the making, it includes articles by leading scholars in the fields of Yiddish linguistics and Yiddish studies, including Keith Weiser, Simon ...

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN In the 1930s, YIVO in Vilna maintained contact with a wide range of scholars and research organizations around the world, as attested to by reports in Yedies. The July 1935 edition mentions the Slavonic Library in Prague, the Polish Sociological Institute, the Commission on Social Relations in Poland, ...

In Memoriam: Mikhl Herzog (1927-2013)


Mikhl Herzog, 1927-2013 The Board of Directors and Staff of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research mourn the passing of Professor Mikhl Herzog, founding dean of the Max Weinreich Center of Advanced Jewish Studies and a member of the YIVO Board of the Directors. Mikhl Herzog was Atran Professor Emeritus of ...

YIVO Receives Grants from Nathan Ruderman Foundation, Claims Conference


(NEW YORK, July 2013) – The YIVO Institute is pleased to announce that it has received two generous grants for work on the Sutzkever-Kaczerginski Collection, which contains some of the rarest documents held in the YIVO archives. The Collection is named in honor of the two distinguished poets who headed ...

Tsvishn Veltn (Between Worlds): A Night of Cabaret


by TOVA MESSER This year's Uriel Weinreich Summer Program in Yiddish Language, Literature and Culture was kicked off on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 by a retro-chic evening of drinks, refreshments and entertainment celebrating avant-garde Yiddish-Russian culture. A lively cocktail hour in the Great Hall was followed by performances by Artists in ResidenceShane ...

The 2013 Jan Karski & Pola Nirenska Prize at YIVO Awarded to Prof. Barbara Engelking


PRESS NEWS: For immediate release

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011
Contact: Marek Web

The Warsaw Ghetto: A Guide to the Perished City by Barbara Engelking and Jacek Leociak (Yale University Press, 2009).

The Award Committee of the Jan Karski and Pola Nirenska Award has the pleasure to announce that Prof. Barbara Engelking of Warsaw, Poland was named the receipient of this year’s prize. Endowed by Prof. Jan Karski at YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in 1992, the $5,000 prize goes to authors of published works documenting Polish-Jewish relations and Jewish contributions to Polish culture.

The winner was chosen by the Award Committee whose members are Prof. Jerzy Tomaszewski, Prof. Feliks Tych, Prof. Paweł Śpiewak (director, Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw), Dr. Jonathan Brent (Executive Director, YIVO Institute For Jewish Research). The award ceremony will be held in September at the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw.

From the Pages of Yedies


by ROBERTA NEWMAN The first News from YIVO appeared as a short article in the Yiddish literary journal, Literarishe bleter (Literary Pages) on October 9, 1925, shortly after YIVO was formally founded in Vilna (then Wilno, Poland; now Vilnius, Lithuania). The article reports on the meeting of the Bibliographical Commission, a group ...

Introducing the Online Yedies fun YIVO


Yedies fun YIVO (News from YIVO) has a long history in print. With few interruptions, it has been published continually since 1925, from the very first days of the existence of the Yiddish Scientific Institute, as YIVO was then known. It began life as an article in Literarishe bleter (Literary ...